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Happy 2025! avvera paves the way!

Die avvera Coaching AG bedankt sich sehr herzlich bei allen und freut sich darauf neue Perspektiven zu eröffnen!


avvera Coaching AG continues to develop!

We are proud to announce that we have successfully obtained the EDUQA quality label certification.
We will continue to maintain, expand and further develop the standarts of our services.
Thank you for your trust and as always, we would be happy to support you with our full range of expertise.

We wish you a wonderful time and all the best for 2024!

avvera paves the way!


avvera Coaching celebrates its 5th anniversary!

Five beautiful and intensive years lie behind us. The exciting encounters, the joy of our work and the motivation to accompany you on your way fulfill us as on the first day. We thank our committed employees, partners as well as our clients who place their trust in us every day.

avvera paves the way!

Eingang eines Meetingsraum mit Stühlen, einem Tisch und einem Bildschirm


Happy new year!

We just wanted say "THANK YOU" to you all and wish you a wonderful turn of the year.


Ask for Feedback!

Feedback means comparing and aligning different perspectives, while ensuring transparency and supporting further development.

Giving and receiving relevant feedback enables us to mindfully share ideas about thoughts, reflections, emotions, opinions and behaviours in a constructive and respectful way. At the same time, it is a great opportunity for those giving or receiving feedback, because feedback allows us to learn from one another and promote positive behaviours. Feedback also allows us to compare our perceptions of ourselves and of others to prevent unrealistic and distorted images from forming. It is thus an excellent opportunity to learn together and then make our own decisions: change our behaviours or consciously maintain them. Relevant feedback is the opportunity to grow!

We integrate feedback in the personal and professional development process to achieve results! With strength, clarity and joy.

avvera – your coaching partner.

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